[South Korea] Korea Moon Festival

Gwacheon National Science Museum 110 Sanghabeol-ro, Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Republic of

July 16, In Person (Gwacheon National Science Museum) The Korea Moon Day: What If will introduce a scenario development competition based on a future world where the moon is inhabited by various human settlements, also known as “the moon village.” The competition will engage students and young professionals from around the country to develop hypothetical […]

[Brasil] 2nd Cabo Frio Astronomy and Astronautics Meeting

Terminal Transatlântico Av. Nossa Sra. da Assunção, 15 - Passagem, Cabo Frio, Brazil

July 16, In Person Time: 19:30 Brasilia time The 2nd Cabo Frio Astronomy and Astronautics Meeting will take place as part of the International Moon Day program of the Moon Village Association. In Cabo Frio, the event alluding to the 53rd nniversary of the arrival of man on the moon will be celebrated on July […]