[Türkiye] FOR ME (Future opportunities right to Moon exploration)

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[Türkiye] FOR ME (Future opportunities right to Moon exploration)

July 20, 2022 @ 09:00 17:00

July 15-17 & 20

FOR ME consists of an event where we will cover the potential opportunities of lunar exploration  with the motto of “equality and sustainability in coordination” in line with the “Lunar Exploration  Coordination and Sustainability” theme determined for the International Lunar Day. 

– Equality in Coordination : Emphasis is placed on the importance of human equality in the space  age, from disadvantaged groups in society to countries that have not completed their development  in the international community. Suggestions are made to increase participation and interest in this  subject. 

– Sustainability : Emphasis is placed on the necessity of sustaining the paths pursued in  space – and especially lunar – activities. If sustainable work can be achieved in lunar studies, it will  be tried to facilitate the discoveries that can be made farther. Sustainable development is also  emphasized while evaluating the opportunities that can be offered by the exploration and mining on  the moon regarding the earth and lunar life. 


In the first part, a series of conferences will be held in line with the adopted principles and slogans, and speakers will be invited in the following areas: 

– A webinar with a speaker on “Metaverse” through Metaverse and its law, platforms, opportunities, and the future  expectations on July 51

– An interview with a speaker on “Astrophotography” through Moon photos, equipment decision, difficulties, consequences, and the harmful effects of satellite constellations on space observation and  astrophotography in the campsite on the evening of July 16, 

– An interview with a speaker on “Camping” through how to camp, equipment decision, camping routes and camp  security in the campsite on the evening of July 16. 

1 We believe it is important to host the Metaverse webinar, as the space photos from the camp will be published in a  Metaverse exhibition.

ASOR Lunar Camp 2022

After that, we will organize a space camp. One of the projects we plan to carry out as Altair  Association is ASOR: Altair Space Observation and Research Projects. And activities such as  observation and astrophotography will already be carried out within the scope of this project. Again,  as Altair, we attach great importance to raising awareness about International Moon Day and space  activities. For this reason, it will make us very happy to dedicate one of our events to the International  Moon Day as part of ASOR. 

Our camp day will start on the morning of July 16 and end on July 17. There will be social activities,  nature walks, games and competitions throughout the camp, as well as a conversation with our  special guests by the fire on the evening of July 16. Space and moon observations will be made  from the time of the moonrise, and space photographs will be taken that include the Moon in its  composition. 

During the “ASOR Lunar Camp 2022 – 1st Moon Day Special” event, both space observations and  Moon photographs will be taken. The importance of the Moon for the Earth will be explained with  the emphasis on sustainability and equality through guest trainers. 

And the photos to be taken at the event can be exhibited both in the physical and metaverse  environment and sold as NFT. The photographs can be exhibited at the entrance of the FOR ME  event hall when the FOR ME project presented to MVA by the Altair Association is realized. 

This event will contribute to space observation activities, which are not organized much in our  country, and will facilitate learning about the International Moon Day, which has never been heard  of in our country, by exhibiting the Moon photographs to be taken in various environments. And if  we succeed in attracting participants from disadvantaged groups, we will also place a very important  emphasis on equality in space studies. 

IMD Special Webinar on Space Law – Opening Ceremony of Metaverse Exhibition

When we look at the final, the most special day, a webinar consisting of three speakers will be waiting  for us on July 20, the International Moon Day. In this webinar, there will be: 

– 1 speaker on “Moon in Space Law and Politics (or Lunar Law and Politics)” 

– 1 speaker on “Militarizing Lunar Surface: Geopolitics and International Law in New Space Era”

– 1 speaker on “The Habitatization of the Moon and Sustainability”

After these webinars are over, the Metaverse exhibition and the physical exhibition will be opened  as the closing event, and the photographs taken at the camp will be included in our NFT collection  with the signatures of the photographers. 

The target audience of this event is everyone aged 12 and over who is interested in space, especially  young professionals. 

Since astrophotography, space law, and space studies do not receive enough attention in our  country, this event is important to increase the interest in these fields and raise awareness. On this  occasion, the introduction of the International Moon Day will also be possiblei

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