Post IMD Event – Benefit Sharing of Lunar Resource Activities for Africa – Brazil

Brazil – Online , Brazil

IMD Webinar SGAC-MVA July 27th, 2023Benefit Sharing of Lunar Resource Activities for Africa: analysing the regional and international contexts Date/time : Thursday, July 27th, 4pm CEST Duration : 90 min - Time zone : CEST Participate on Zoom Description of the webinar  The webinar is part of the International Moon Day events.  A panel has been organized with […]

A Lua à Luz dos Direitos da Natureza

Brazil – Online , Brazil

SYMPOSIUM PROPOSALThe appropriation of Nature, through an individualistic and privatistic logic of resource expropriation with no commitment to ecological sustainability, highlights "human desubjectivation" and environmental destruction. In this scenario, issues concerning the Rights of Nature have increasingly gained ground in the international arena, presenting a perspective that encompasses plural epistemologies.In this context, we present the […]

Event Series IMD23 – United Moon Forum

United Moon Forum – Brazil

Brazil – Online , Brazil

Humans are already multi-continental, now it's time to expand our boundaries to other celestial bodies. After all, we are born to explore! Additionally, for benefits from collaborative and peaceful exploration and sustainability reasons, we must expand beyond Earth. Moon is going to be our 1st bold step in this endless venture. International Moon Day i.e. […]