Dr. Claire A. Nelson

Dr. Claire Nelson is Chief Ideation Leader of The Futures Forum, a research and education practice specializing in  bringing the power of strategic foresight, and the discipline of sustainability engineering to challenges facing  organizations and communities. Nelson, named on Forbes as one of the top 50 female futurists in the world, is  author of the game-changing book “SMART Futures for a Flourishing World: A Paradigm for Advancing Global  Sustainability”.  

A visionary speaker and consultant, Nelson’s engagements have included: White House; World Bank; World Steel;  US Air Force; UNESCO; Pacific Skills Summit; BET Leading Women Defined; ASME; American Association for Blacks  in Energy; Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference; NSBE Ghana; Salzburg Seminar; Space  Frontier Foundation; Saudi Space Agency; Jamaica Stock Exchange; Purdue University; University of the West  Indies; Analog Astronaut Conference; and Engineering for One Planet. Dr. Nelson is a Member of the Board of the  World Futures Studies Federation as well as Editor-At-Large of its flagship publication Human Futures Magazine.  

She convenes the global communities of practice- Space Futures Forum and sits on the Inclusion Advisory Council  of Space for Humanity, and the Leadership Team of the Institute of Space Law & Ethics. The architect of the  Caribbean Space Society and OASEAS (Omni African Space Exploration Analog Simulation (OASES) Initiative, she  has been recognized as an emerging leader in Space Sustainability by the AIAA ASCEND 2023 Diverse Dozen and  honored by the National Society of Black Engineers Aerospace Special Interest Group for her pioneering efforts.  

A social entrepreneur, Dr. Nelson is Founding President of the Institute of Caribbean Studies, the leading  Caribbean American Diaspora organization, and Convening Chair of the Campaign for June as National Caribbean  American Heritage Month. She is Curator of the Caribbean American Legislative Forum on Capitol Hill and White  House Briefings, the National Caribbean American Heritage Awards, and the Caribbean Space Society. Cited for  her leadership in the US Congressional Record and honored by the Embassy of Jamaica in the USA for the  leadership in the Jamaican diaspora, Dr. Nelson serves as Advisor to several organizations including, EarthShift  Global, Morgan State University Vice Presidency for International Affairs, Global Carbon Reward and Humans for  AI. She is also an active member in Constituency for Africa and the Black Women’s Roundtable. 

Dr. Nelson, an award-winning writer and storyteller, has performed her one woman show ‘Moon Runnings: The  Life & Times of the First Jamaican on the Moon’ at the ASU Emerge Festival of the Future, UNESCO, and  International Moon Day. The only Black female in her graduating class, she holds a Doctorate in Engineering  Management from the George Washington University (1990). Dr. Nelson was named a White House Champion  of Change in 2012.