Tag Brazil

Noite Lunar em Dourados

Noite Lunar em Dourados: Celebre a Beleza da Lua Cheia! 🌕 Data: 21 de julho de 2024 ⏰ Horário: A partir das 18h Junte-se a nós no Parque do Lago para uma noite mágica de observação da lua cheia! Traga…

The Moon and the Humanity

The public event features an open-air talk about the Moon on the Café Museum farm, accompanied by a typical dinner illuminated by firelight. Telescopes will show visitors the Moon up close! In addition, there will be a lunar astrophotography workshop…

A Lua à Luz dos Direitos da Natureza

SYMPOSIUM PROPOSALThe appropriation of Nature, through an individualistic and privatistic logic of resource expropriation with no commitment to ecological sustainability, highlights “human desubjectivation” and environmental destruction. In this scenario, issues concerning the Rights of Nature have increasingly gained ground in…

United Moon Forum – Brazil

Humans are already multi-continental, now it’s time to expand our boundaries to other celestial bodies. After all, we are born to explore! Additionally, for benefits from collaborative and peaceful exploration and sustainability reasons, we must expand beyond Earth. Moon is…