IMD 2024 Main Event – Harbin

Moon Village 2050: A new Home for Humanity

July 20, 2024

14:00 Beijing / 8:00 CEST / 23:00 (July 19) PDT

Live Stream


Master of Ceremonies: Chenchen Zhao, CGTN journalist

  • Introduction by Master of Ceremonies
  • Opening
    • Jiecai Han, President, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)
    • Giuseppe Reibaldi, President, Moon Village Association (MVA)
  • Greetings
    • Representative from CNSA/DSEL, TBA
    • Aarti Holla-Maini, Director, UNOOSA
    • Valda Vikmanis-Keller, Director of Office of Space Affairs, State Department, USA
    • S. Somanathan, Chairman, ISRO, India
    • Sherif Sedky, CEO, Egyptian Space Agency
  • Award Ceremony: “Moon Station 2050 Global Innovation Competition”
  • Keynote Speeches
    • Prof. Hongyuan Mei, Harbin Institute of Technology
    • DSEL Representative, TBA
    • Dr. Dorin Dumitru Prunariu, Astronaut and Member of the Board of the Romanian Space Agency
    • Dr. Nasr Al-Sahhaf, Chair, International Moon Day
  • Round Table 1: “Importance of Lunar Exploration and Utilisation for Humanity”
    Moderator: Stuart Clark
    • Representatives Deep Space Exploration Lab, China, TBA
    • Dr. Scott Pace, Professor of Practice of International Affairs, George Washington University
    • Prof. Alice Gorman, Flinders University, Australia
    • Ms. Jennifer G. Blank, Institute of Science, Blue Marble Space
    • Mr. Jan Kolar, MVA Board of Directors
  • Round Table 2: “Importance of Lunar Exploration and Utilisation for Economy”
    Moderator: Chenchen Zhao
    • Representative of Orienspace (Shandong) Technology Ltd, TBA
    • Dr. Simonetta Di Pippo, Director SEE Lab Bocconi, former UNOOSA Director
    • Mr. Satoru Kurosu, Space Business Development Office Yokogawa
    • Dr. Ernst K. Pfeiffer, CEO High Performance Space Structure System GmbH
    • Dr. Nasr Al-Sahhaf, Chair, International Moon Day
  • Announcements
  • Conclusions