Preliminary Program
Master of Ceremonies: Stuart Clark
- IMD overview video
- Korea Science Museum Welcome & Introductions – Kang SungJu, Gwacheon National Science Museum, Research Officer
- MVA East & South East Asia Coordinator Welcome
- MVA Welcome – Giuseppe Reibaldi, MVA President
- IMD Welcome & Introduction – Nasr Alsahhaf, IMD Chair
- KARI Keynote – Soyoung Chung, Senior Researcher
- NASA Keynote – Garvey McIntosh, NASA Attaché in Japan
- Lockheed Martin Keynote – Tonya Ladwig, VP Orion Program
- Round Table Discussion
Moderator: Stuart Clark, United Kingdom
- Tonya Ladwig, VP Orion Program, Lockheed Martin, USA
- Garvey McIntosh, NASA Attaché in Japan, USA
- Soyoung Chung, KARI, South Korea
- Michelle Keegan, Program Director, Australian Remote Operations for Space Exploration (AROSE), Australia
- Gordon “Oz” Osinski, Professor, Department of Earth and Sciences, Western University, Canada
- Nasr Alsahhaf, Chair, IMD, Saudi Arabia
- Announcement: PromoMoon Winner Video with Yuzhnoye
- Other Announcements
- Closing Remarks by Host TBC
Michelle Keegan, Program Director AROSE
Michelle has over 25 years of mining industry experience. Her current role encompasses program management across the AROSE portfolio including taking the role of Program Director in Trailblazer. She has established a Resources Advisory Board to bring the mining community together with the space sector and so support the delivery of the AROSE vision. She is the Deputy Chair. Prior to joining AROSE, Michelle was Program Director Technology Development, and leader of the Next Generation Mine Innovation Program, at South 32. Michelle recently was awarded Space Professional of the Year at the Australian Space Awards in 2023.
Dr. Gordon “Oz” Osinski, Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Western Ontario (Western), Canada
Dr. Gordon “Oz” Osinski is a Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Western Ontario (Western), Canada. He is also the Director of the Canadian Lunar Research Network and the founder and Chair of the Planetary Sciences Division of the Geological Association of Canada. At Western, he served as Associate Director and then Director of the Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration for over a decade and was the Founding Director of its successor, the Institute for Earth and Space Exploration. He was also recently appointed the Canadian Ambassador for the MILO Institute.
Dr. Osinski’s research interests are diverse and interdisciplinary in nature, motivated by understanding the evolution of the surface of the Earth and other planetary bodies as well as the origin and evolution of life. His main focus is on understanding impact cratering as a planetary geological process, on the Earth, Moon and Mars. He has conducted fieldwork on 6 continents, from Antarctica to Africa, but the Canadian Arctic is where much of his work takes place. Dr. Osinski has received numerous awards for this research, including the Barringer Medal of the Meteoritical Society (2021).
Dr. Osinski is also involved in several past and ongoing planetary exploration-related activities. From 2020 to 2022 he was the Principal Investigator (PI) for a Canadian Space Agency Concept Study to develop an Integrated Vision System. He is also a Co-I on the PanCam instrument on the European ExoMars mission to Mars and in November 2022 was named as PI of the Canadian Lunar Rover Mission – Canada’s first ever rover mission to the Moon. Dr. Osinski is involved in providing geology training to Canadian and US astronauts. He is also passionate about outreach and science communication and leads several educational initiatives, including Space Matters and Impact Earth.
Dr. Soyoung Chung, Senior researcher, Strategic & Planning Directorate, Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)
Ms. Chung is a senior researcher at the Strategic & Planning Directorate of Korea Aerospace Research Organization (KARI). She has previously worked at KARI’s Space Policy Division from 2009 to 2019. During this time she took part in numerous space policy studies and was seconded to the space office of the Ministry of Science and ICT as an expert. Currently, Ms. Chung serves as a coordinator for KARI’s research strategy planning activities. She also serves as a delegate for International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG) and COPUOS. In addition, she is also a member of the KARI’s International Cooperation Committee and KARI Academy’s Education Committee. Ms. Chung has lived and studied in Asia, Europe, and the United States. Before joining KARI, she has worked as an intern at UNOOSA and UNESCAP and as a research assistant at the Space Policy Institute of the George Washington University. She was also an active member of SGAC and has organized and participated in the first few Asia Pacific Space Generation Workshop (AP-SGW). Ms. Chung has a Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering and a PhD Certificate in Science and Technology Policy.
Tonya Ladwig, Vice President, Human Space Exploration & Orion Program Manager, Lockheed Martin Co.
Tonya Ladwig is Vice President, Human Space Exploration & Orion Program Manager, Space for Lockheed Martin Corporation. In this capacity, she is responsible for delivering the Integrated Crew and Service Module for all of the 8 Artemis Missions that will take the first woman, person of color and next man to the lunar surface. She also serves as co-chair of the Lockheed Martin Space Inclusion Council. Previously, Ms. Ladwig was Vice President, Navigation Systems, for Lockheed Martin Corporation’s Space. In that role, she was responsible for all aspects of advanced Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) mission solutions, including the Global Positioning System III (GPS III) and GPS III Follow On (GPS IIIF) satellite programs, the GPS Operational Control Segment (OCS) upgrade programs, and PNT international opportunities from June 2020 to June 2022. She previously served as Lockheed Martin Corporation’s GPSIII Program Manager and Mission Area Deputy, Navigation Systems for Lockheed Martin Corporation’s Space. In that role, she was responsible for managing the cost, schedule and technical execution of the GPSIII program (Space Vehicles 1-10) and delegate for the Navigation Systems Vice President from June 2019 to May 2020. Throughout her career, Ms. Ladwig has led several critical initiatives for Lockheed Martin Corporation, including Orion Software IPT director, responsible for the design, development, integration, verification, delivery and documentation of Orion’s flight, ground and simulation software and the Space and Missile Systems Director of Software Engineering, responsible for the development of both people and technologies across the software development lifecycle that are integral to Space & Missile Systems. Ms. Ladwig holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology as well as a Master of Science Degree in Computer Information Systems. She is a certified LM21 Green Belt, and a graduate of Lockheed Martin’s Program Management and Development Program (PMDP), Executive Development and Growth Enhancement (EDGE) Program and Engineering Leadership Development Program (ELDP).
Garvey McIntosh, NASA Attaché in Japan
Garvey McIntosh is currently the NASA Attaché based at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo. In this capacity he is responsible for the coordination of NASA programs and activities in Japan and other countries within the Asia Pacific Region. Since joining NASA in the Office of International and Interagency Relations (OIIR) in 2003, Garvey has amassed a broad range of leadership and management experiences. While in OIIR, he negotiated and completed agreements with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and NASA’s other international partners on the Space Shuttle, International Space Station, the Artemis program, high-energy physics, astronomy, aeronautics research, and space education.
During this tenure as the NASA Attaché at Embassy Tokyo, Garvey was the lead for space event for President Trump and Biden visits to Japan. In addition, Garvey announced Japan’s extension of the ISS and signing of the Implementing Arrangement on the Lunar Gateway, he supported the signing of the U.S. – Japan Framework agreement by Secretary of State Blinken and MOFA Minister Hayashi in January 2023, and he also arranged the signing of the exchange of notes for the Martian Moons eXploration agreement in April 2023 between U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel and Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi.
Garvey was awarded the prestigious Boren fellowship to spend a year conducting research in Vietnam from 2000 to 2001, and prior to that he spent 4 years in Nagasaki, Japan, where he taught English conversation and composition. He received his graduate degree in International Policy Studies from the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California, and his undergraduate degree in Communications Studies from Northeastern University in Boston. Garvey’s wife is Melanie McIntosh, and they have two children Anya (13) and Graeson (10). He speaks Japanese, Vietnamese, and Dutch.