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A Lua à Luz dos Direitos da Natureza
July 23, 2023 @ 08:00 – 17:00
The appropriation of Nature, through an individualistic and privatistic logic of resource expropriation with no commitment to ecological sustainability, highlights “human desubjectivation” and environmental destruction. In this scenario, issues concerning the Rights of Nature have increasingly gained ground in the international arena, presenting a perspective that encompasses plural epistemologies.
In this context, we present the proposal of the Symposium “The Moon in the Light of the Rights of Nature”, to promote a dialogue about the necessary change of paradigm, especially in the legal field, since the epistemological and philosophical bases of modernity do not respond efficiently to the current ecological and systemic crisis. The greening of current international law aims to contribute to the awareness of the peaceful and sustainable exploration of space and celestial bodies, regulating the activities of states and organizations through a new ecocentric and intercultural perspective.
It is observed that, increasingly, the legal protection of Nature is a theme addressed by social organizations and, consequently, the object of lawsuits, covering conflicts related to the protection of the “good life”. The Moon, as a natural satellite, has a direct influence on the Earth. An intercultural study of its ecological and epistemological aspects is needed in order to contribute to international space law.
To stimulate reflections about the construction of modern International Law, the formation of National and Plurinational States, analyzing the emergence of the Rights of Nature, especially in Latin America and its understanding of the Moon, as a natural satellite. Promote space for dialogue towards new epistemologies, ecocentric and decolonial, which aim for a peaceful and sustainable exploration of space and celestial bodies, contributing to a transcivilizational and transmodern international space law.
Public : Students, legal professionals and the general public (including, especially, traditional peoples and communities, since the Rights of Nature come from the worldview of native peoples).
Symposium Coordinators
Flávia Alvim de Carvalho
PhD candidate in Human Rights, Integration and Plurinational State – PUC Minas; Master in Theory of Law and Justice – PUC Minas; Specialist in Applied Public and International Law; Deputy Secretary of the Commission on Environmental Law of the OAB Espirito Santo Section; Legal Advisor of the Project Law in Indigenous Communities. Researcher at the Observatory of Socio-environmental Law and Human Rights in the Amazon – UFAM and the Research and Extension Group Human Rights Networks at PUC Minas; Professor and coordinator of the postgraduate course in Rights of Nature and Integral Legal Ecology – EJUSP. http://lattes.cnpq.br/8067187410017178
José Luiz Quadros de Magalhães
Professor of undergraduate and graduate law at PUC Minas and UFMG. Coordinator of the research and extension group Human Rights Networks at PUC Minas, in partnership with the SER- DH project – State System of Human Rights Networks of Minas Gerais. Current president of the Archdiocesan Commission for Justice and Peace of Belo Horizonte – MG. Former National President of the Network for a Latin American Democratic Constitutionalism in the period from 2016 to 2018 and President of the Red Internacional para un constitucionalismo democrático en latinoamerica, based in Quito, Ecuador in the period from 2017 to 2019. Visiting Professor at the Master’s in Philosophy of the Universidad Libre de Bogotá (Colombia); of the PhD of the Law School of the Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina); at the Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de la Habana (Cuba) and researcher at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He was Attorney General of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, President of the College of Attorney Generals of the Federal Institutions of Higher Education in Brazil and Coordinator of Postgraduate Courses in Law at the Law School of UFMG. He was Director of the Dom Helder Câmara Higher School (Jesuit) and of the Izabela Hendrix Methodist Law School.He has published several books and scientific and journalistic articles. He has experience in the area of Law, with emphasis on Constitutional and International Law, Theory of State and Constitution, working mainly on the following themes: plurinationality, diversity, democracy, federalism, human rights, power, ideology and constitution.